Products & Projects

Data analysis software

BornAgain (simulation and fit for grazing-incidence scattering and reflectometry), Steca (data reduction for materials diffraction), MIEZEPY (zero-effort neutron spin echo), GisasExplorer (data reduction and visualization for grazing-incidence scattering), Frida (legacy code for quasielastic scattering analysis).

Generic libraries

kww (Fourier transform of stretched exponential function), libcerf (complex error function, Voigt profile), libformfactor (polyhedral form factors), lmfit (Levenberg-Marquardt), ransampl (random sampling). See also man pages.

Latest releases

Steca-2.4.0 7may24, BornAgain-21.1 19oct23, libcerf-2.4 02aug23, libformfactor-0.3.1 02aug23, libheinz-2.0.0 14jun23, libkww-3.8.0 30jan23, lmfit-9.0 10jun21.

Quick links

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About Us

Team, Contact, Publications

We are a team of research software engineers ... [more] [impressum]


We develop open-source software for data analysis in neutron scattering and related techniques ... [more]


Our group is located in the outstation of Forschungszentrum Jülich at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum Garching ... [more]

Internships and theses

We offer different types of student internships, and interesting topics for BSc or MSc theses ... [more]